WW1 French Infantry

Airfix 1:76 Scale Figure Review

French Infantry of World War One, 1:76 Airfix 01728.

French infantry of World War One wearing the horizon blue uniform, first issued in September of 1914, and the new casque Adrian M.1915 steel helmet.


48 Figures in 20 Poses – 22.5 mm Height equals 171 cm

  • French Officer with Revolver modèle 1873, running (2)
  • French Ensign with Regimental Flag, running (1)
  • French Bugler, running (1)
  • French Observer with Telescope, prone (1)
  • French Signalman with Carrier Pigeon, kneeling (1)
  • French Poilu, riding Bicycle (2)
  • French Grenadier, throwing Hand Grenade (2)
  • French Poilu, standing at ease (3)
  • French Poilu, charging (4)
  • French Poilu, running (3)
  • French Poilu, with levelled Rifle (3)
  • French Poilu, firing into Trench (3)
  • French Poilu, standing, firing (3)
  • French Poilu, kneeling, firing (3)
  • French Poilu, prone, firing (3)
  • French Poilu, crawling (4)
  • French Poilu, carrying bagged Supplies (2)
  • French Poilu, digging (2)
  • French Poilu, walking wounded (3)
  • French Poilu, fallen (1)


French Infantry of World War One, 1:76 Airfix 01728.

Airfix WW1 French Infantry offers an incredible variety of really useful historic poses. The French FM Chauchat Modèle 1915 light machine gun is not included, which dates this figure set to the period from September 1915 to June 1916. Airfix included one “Fusil Mitrailleur Modele 1915 C.S.R.G.” and crew in their set of WWI US Infantry, published the following year.

French Infantry of World War One, 1:76 Airfix 01728.

Heads with the casque Adrian M.1915 may be used to convert Airfix French Foreign Legion figures to World War One infantry.

French Infantry of World War One, 1:76 Airfix 01728.

Compatible with EMHAR, and Revell.

French Infantry of World War One, 1:76 Airfix 01728.

The flag carried by the ensign is much too large to represent a French modèle 1880 pattern tricolore infantry flag, and the 40 cm pike head with finial and oblong unit designation is missing entirely. Please refer to our tutorial “WW1 French Infantry Standard-Bearer Upgrade” to repair this otherwise quite attractive figure.

French Infantry of World War One, 1:76 Airfix 01728.

Many of the figures are carrying a very basic pack, which does not look much like the real thing. Of course, packs would not normally be carried in an attack across no man‘s land, so we can only assume that these Airfix figures are actually involved in an unlikely meeting engagement with the enemy.

The basic infantry equipment is incomplete and inconsistent from man to man, as if these soldiers had had a choice in carrying what they wanted, and how they wanted. This is a typical toy soldier design choice exercised by a sculptor who may never have served in the infantry, and possibly even lacks the imagination to reach for the water bottle with his free right hand.

French heavy machine guns, either the mitrailleuse Saint-Étienne modèle 1907, or mitrailleuse Hotchkiss modèle 1900 or 1914, are not included in this set. This makes sense, since most of the figures in the set appear to be attacking enemy trenches, in the course of which heavy machine guns would be providing support fire from much further back.

Noticeable flash and mould lines need to be removed prior to painting. The HäT Industrie re-release of WW1 French Infantry, is of much better casting quality, either because new moulds were made or better material used.

Historical Employment

  • French Infantry, September 1915 to June 1916

Possible Conversions

  • French Infantry in Kepi, September 1914 to September 1915
  • French Infantry with FM Chauchat LMG, June 1916 to 1925


Airfix French Infantry of World War One is a must-have for wargamers interested in recreating the trench warfare of the Great War.

Miniatures of World War One