F.V. 407 Centurion Mk 8/2
Airfix 1:76 Scale Vehicle Review

The Airfix model of the Centurion Mk 8 Series 2 has been built almost straight from the box, with minor modifications. Antennas, steel hawsers, and a tank commander figure were added, the smoke grenade dischargers and commander‘s binocular rangefinders have been replaced with more accurately reproduced items built from scratch. The model was sprayed Gunze H330 »Dark Green« (British Standard Colour 381C/641), the equivalent of Humbrol 75. The black disruptive stripes were painted on by hand. The hull and chassis are fun to build, but the tracks were rather difficult to fit. The soft plastic material is very thick, relatively stiff, and too short to fit around the running gear. As a result, the two rear sprockets were pulled out of place, and one sprocket broke off eventually. The only remedy was to use hot glue to hold the track in place. Hard plastic track links like those used on ESCI and new Revell models would have been much easier to work with.
- F.V. 4007 Centurion Mk 8/2
- Decals
Scale model with good detail. The model depicts the final Mk.8/2 upgrade of the F.V. 4007 series. The improvements of the Centurion Mk 8/1 and Mk.8/2 were standardized in the Centurion Mk 10.
Good choice of subject, the Centurion Mk 8/2 may be downgraded to a Mk.3, or upgraded to an Israeli Sho’t main battle tank based.
Compatible with Matchbox, Crusader Models, JB Models, Milicast and Cromwell Models.
The smoke dischargers on either side of the turret should be replaced with more detailed items built from scratch.
The gun mantlet should have a canvas cover added to it.
No crew figures included in the kit.