
Akademie Acryl 23.663

Terracotta, Akademie Acryl 23.663.

Akademie Acryl 23.663 »Terracotta«, a mixed pigment colour of the pigments iron oxide PR 101 and iron(III) oxide hydrate PY 42, compared to Vallejo Model Air 71.080 »Rust«. The brickwork of the City House Ruins in the background was undercoated rust red. Randomly selected bricks were then painted terracotta, terracotta tinted with yellow ochre or shaded with neutral grey. Finally, the masonry was varnished with Lascaux »Transparent Varnish 1 gloss«, jointed with a wash of Tamiya XF-20 »Medium Grey«, and varnished Lascaux »Transparent Varnish 2 matt«.

Terra Cotta