Thomas III. d’Autremencourt
Count of Salona, 1294–1311

Thomas III. d’Autremencourt (or de Stromoncourt), French knight, son of William d’Autremencourt, followed his father 1294 as fourth count of Salona (today Amfissa in Central Greece), killed 15 march 1311 at the Battle of Kephissos against the Almogavars of the Catalan Company. At the time he was marshall of the Principality of Achaea. His domain fell to Roger Deslaur (Desllor), who married d’Autremencourt’s widow and served as newly elected leader of the Catalans until 1312, when Manfred, infante of Sicily, was appointed Duke of Athens and Neopatria by his father, King Frederick III of Sicily.
- Sáez Abad, Rubén: Los Almogávares y la Amenaza Turca 1303–1312 (Madrid 2008)
- Setton, Kenneth M.: The Catalans in Greece, 1311–1380 (Madison, WI, 1975)