
French Foreign Legion wearing the Capote, 1:76 Airfix 01710.

Capote (French), greatcoat of French infantry, as opposed to the manteau of cavalry, or raincoat with hood, also solely the latter; as an adjective in a game of cards meaning “in the mud” (destroyed).

Models of Capotes

  • Capote M.1804
  • Capote M.1812 (Bardin)
  • Capote M.1845
  • Capote M.1855
  • Capote M.1858
  • Capote M.1860
  • Capote M.1867
  • Capote M.1871
  • Capote M.1872
  • Capote M.1877
  • Capote M.1915
  • Capote M.1920
  • Capote M.1935

Source: Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon, 6. Auflage 1905–1909

Military Glossary