
Scarlet (French »écarlate«, German »Scharlach«), a very lively red with a tint of yellow, used to refer almost exclusively to the nuances produced by cochineal and tin chloride on wool. At present, scarlet is understood to also include hues produced with coal tar dyes, which serve as a substitute for cochineal. This includes Biebrich Scarlet (Altscharlach), cotton scarlet and other azo dyes.
Single Pigment Colours
A small overview of scarlet (PR 255) single pigment colours suitable for miniatures, models, and dioramas.
- Pyrrole Red light (PR 255), Golden Acrylics 1279
- Vermilion Red (PR 255, opaque), PRIMAcryl 13.318
- Vermilion Red (PR 9 Naphthol AS Red), Lukas Studio Oil Colours 286
- Scarlet (PR 149 Perylene), Talens Rembrandt Oil Colour 334
Mixed Pigment Colours
- Scarlet, Airfix M19
- Scarlet, Humbrol 60
- Tutorial: “How to Mix Historic Colours: British Scarlet”
- British Scarlet, Humbrol 178
- British Scarlet, Humbrol MC1
- Vermilion Red, Plaka 24
Source: Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon, 6. Auflage 1905–1909