Siskin Green

Siskin Green.

Siskin green is a fairly light yellowish green colour (#c8c76f). It marks the transition from the green colour to yellow, namely to sulphurous yellow. Since it is found especially in the siskins, it has also been named after them. Among the fossils it can be found in green lead ore and in bismite, a green oxide mineral.

Source: Von den äußerlichen Kennzeichen der Foßilien, abgefaßt von Abraham Gottlob Werner, Vienna 1785

Siskin Green (Ger. Zeisiggrün), bright green similar to the green colour of the siskin, which tends towards yellow. The illustration shows our mixture of »Siskin Green« on the paint chit in the foreground and painted on a 1:32 scale Jäger behind it, compared to Humbrol Authentic Colour MC3 »Rifle Green« and Humbrol 80 »Grass Green«.

Zeisiggrün1, the light green2 coat colour of the Seven Years’ War Prussian Jägercorps, resembles the parrot green facing colour of Saxon Kurland Chevaulegers (1796 Dehn, 1799 Prinz Clemens) introduced in 1767.

Siskin green mixtures.

Our mixture of one part PRIMAcryl 13.431 »Indigo« and two parts PRIMAcryl 13.210 »Vanadium Yellow deep« matches the green of the „Feldjäger zu Fuß“ illustrated on page 59 of Hans Bleckwenn‘s book „Altpreußische Uniformen“. The lighter mixture with three parts »Vanadium Yellow deep« matches the green of the same illustration published on page 169 of Bleckwenn‘s book „Die friderizianischen Uniformen, Vol. II, Infanterie II“. The lighter hue, which is more like a green tending towards yellow, may also be mixed from one part Tamiya XF-58 »Olive Green« and four parts Tamiya XF-3 »Flat Yellow«.

Siskin Green Mixed Pigment Colours

  • PRIMAcryl: 3 × 13.210 »Vanadium Yellow deep« + 1 × 13.431 »Indigo«
  • PRIMAcryl: 4 × 13.210 »Vanadium Yellow deep« + 1 × 13.792 »Ivory Black«
  • Tamiya: 4 × XF-3 »Yellow« + 1 × XF-58 »Olive Green«
  • Yellow Green, Vallejo 70.881

Introduced by the Prussian Jäger zu Pferde in 1740, siskin green was a popular coat colour of Freijäger light infantry detachments serving in Prussian Freibataillons and Freikorps.

  • Jäger zu Pferde
  • Feldjäger zu Fuß3
  • Frei-Jäger v. Mayr (F 2)
  • Frei-Jäger v. Wunsch (F 7)
  • Frei-Jäger v. Trümbach (F I), Volontaires de Prusse
  • Frei-Jäger v. Kleist (F II)

Other Freijäger detachments wore siskin green facings on green or black coats:

  • Frei-Jäger von le Noble (F 1)
  • Frei-Jäger du Verger (F 8)
  • Frei-Jäger von Schack (F 11)
  • Frei-Jäger, Black Legion Favrat

Source: Pierer’s Universal-Lexikon 4. Auflage 1857–1865


1. Knötel-Sieg: Handbuch der Uniformkunde, S. 18
2. Bleckwenn, Hans: Die friderizianischen Uniformen (Dortm. 1984), Bd. 4, S. 120
3. Scharf, Ludwig: Feld-Jägercorps zu Fuß, 1744. Deutsches Historisches Museum, MGr 56/46/19