Numidian light Cavalry
3rd Century B.C.
HaT Industrie 1:72 Scale Figure Review

Numidian light cavalry mounted on 60 mm wide and 40 mm deep wargaming bases. Under the DBA (DE BELLIS ANTIQUITATIS) game systems, one base represents a manœuvre element of light cavalry deployed in several rows. Other rule systems treat one element only as a section of a cavalry unit, resulting in much larger formations on the table. The larger units are more expensive and take longer to paint, but they are much more attractive to look at. The miniatures shown here have been equipped with javelins cut from 0.5 mm pianowire, which look more realistic than the throwing-spears included in the box. It is generally a good idea to replace lances, pikes, spears, javelins and other polearms with similar weapons cut from pianowire. Cut away the plastic weapon, and insert the wire through the figure’s hand instead.
12 Riders in 4 Poses – 23 mm equal 166 cm Height
- Advancing with javelin and shield
- Advancing with javelin and shield
- Attacking with javelin and shield
- Attacking with javelin and shield
12 Horses in 2 Poses – 21 mm equal 151 cm Height
Excellent choice of subject. The Numidian Cavalry is unique in this scale.
Satisfactory detail. Faces, hair, tunics, shields and weapons are in evidence.
Nice poses, the riders look very lively and they are seated correctly.
Satisfactory casting quality. Obvious flash and mould lines need to be removed prior to painting. The editor used the Rai-Ro ZEP-70 heated spatula to blend mould lines into the surface of the model.
Incorrect gait on both horses. These mounts are sculpted nicely, but the animation is faulty. One solution is to mount the figures on more accurate horses cast in pewter or plastic.
The box cover shows riders with rounded shields, but the actual models are completely flat.
The javelins are much too thick, and their points are not sculpted correctly. Replace the throwing spears with similar items cut from 0.4 mm pianowire.
Historical Employment
- DBA Army 31b, Late Carthaginians – 3rd and 4th Element
- DBA Army 53, Numider – four to eight Elements of light Cavalry
The Numidian light cavalry is a good choice for wargamers. The Numidians fought Romans and Carthaginians, and served alongside either of them during and after the Punic Wars. Emperor Trajan deployed Northafrican light cavalry during his campaign against the Dacians in the spring of 101 B.C. The Numidians fought without armour and they rode bareback.