Alexander‘s Light Infantry

HäT 1:72 Scale Figure Review

Alexander‘s Light Infantry, 1:72 HäT 8044.

HäT 1:72 scale Alexander‘s Light Infantry provides 16 Agrianian peltasts and 32 psiloi, including 16 javelineers, eight staff-slingers, and eight archers who occasionally served in mixed units.


48 Figures in 8 Poses – 24 mm equal 173 cm Height

  • 16 Peltasts
    • Agrianian Peltast with Javelin (8)
    • Agrianian Peltast with Spear, receiving (8)
    • Pelta (8)
    • Pelte with Shield Boss (8)
  • 32 Psiloi
    • Akontistai – Javelineers
      • Akontistes with Akontion, standing, throwing (8)
      • Akontistes with Akontion, running, throwing (8)
    • Sfendonitai – Slingers
      • Sfendonites with Staff Sling, standing (4)
      • Sfendonites with Staff Sling, throwing (4)
    • Toxotai – Archers
      • Toxotes, standing, shooting (4)
      • Toxotes, standing, drawing arrow (4)
    • Separate Round Shields
      • Pelte (8)


Excellent choice of subject, the depiction of light infantry in dioramas and wargames depends on the variety of available poses. However, these figures are unusually tall at 173 cm.

Useful wargame poses which may be customized in many ways using the separate shields in this set. The plastic used is probably a bit too beige and not flesh-coloured enough for speed painting.

Conspicuous mould lines and risers need to be removed prior to painting.

Alexander‘s Light Infantry, 1:72 HäT 8044.

The javelineers are armed with the Akontion javelin and can be equipped with a small round shield if necessary.

Alexander‘s Light Infantry, 1:72 HäT 8044.

The two staff slingers are interesting and unique at this scale, but we have no reliable evidence that Alexander‘s light infantry were actually armed with staff slings. Peasant slings would probably have been a better choice in this respect.

Alexander‘s Light Infantry, 1:72 HäT 8044.

The archers can be depicted with or without a shield. The unrealistic pins on the shields may be replaced with more realistic loops made of paper or plastic. This works best after painting, by securing the parts to be assembled with acrylic binder.

Alexander‘s Light Infantry is a must-have for wargamers looking to field armies for De Bellis Antiquitatis and many other wargame rules. The set contains enough skirmishers for several units of Hellenistic light infantry. Officers are missing but may be recruited from other figure sets.

Ancient Miniatures