Russian Infantry, 1891–1921

HaT Industrie 1:72 Scale Figure Review

Russian Infantry of World War One, 1:72 Miniatures HaT Industrie 8061.

Russian Infantry of the Great War wearing the khaki Gymnastiorka shirt with matching trousers, and peaked cap. The HaT figures may be used to recruit infantry platoons for Crossfire and other popular wargame systems ranging from the Boxer Rebellion to the Russian Revolution. The riflemen are in suitable wargaming poses which offer enough variety even without additional conversion efforts. The marching and advancing riflemen may be converted to standard bearers by removing the rifle and replacing it with a flag staff made from pianowire.


48 miniatures in 8 Poses – 23 mm equal 166 cm Height

  • Officer (4)
  • Grenadier, throwing stick-grenade (4)
  • Rifleman, marching (8)
  • Rifleman, advancing with raised rifle (8)
  • Rifleman, advancing with levelled rifle (8)
  • Rifleman, standing, firing (8)
  • Rifleman, kneeling, firing (4)
  • Rifleman, kneeling, loading, handling cartridge (4)
Russian Infantry of World War One, 1:72 Miniatures HaT Industrie 8061
Russian Infantry of World War One, 1:72 Miniatures HaT Industrie 8061


Excellent choice of subject, Russian Infantry of the early 20th Century and World War One is unique in this scale. The khaki uniform issued after 1907 appears similar in cut to the earlier uniform shirt and trousers worn during the Boxer Rebellion and Russo-Japanese War.

Excellent wargaming poses, the figures may be used to raise infantry platoons for Crossfire and similar rules systems. A companion set of Russian heavy weapons is also available from HaT Industrie.

The officer figure is easily converted to a casualty marker.

The riflemen are fully and uniformely equipped with the 1914 pattern infantry equipment consisting of a haversack, rolled shinel greatcoat with tent sheet and poles attached, and an entrenching tool on the right hip.

Substandard casting quality. Obvious flash and mould lines need to be removed prior to painting. The editor used the Rai-Ro ZEP-70 heated spatula to blend mould lines into the surface of the model.

The riflemen are carrying the Russian Mosin-Nagant M.1891 rifle which should have a long spike bayonet attached to it. The Mosin-Nagant M.1891/30 remained in service for some time, and it was used by Vietcong troops during the Vietnam War.

The kneeling, firing rifleman is in an unusual pose with his supporting knee just off the ground. This stance will keep his knees clean, but he is unlikely to hit anything when firing from a difficult pose like this. By contrast, the kneeling, loading rifleman is perfectly relaxed about getting his trousers dirty.

The tent poles attached to the rolled shinel coat have not been modelled.

Historical Employment

  • Russian Infantry, 1891–1921
    • Boxer Rebellion, 1900–1901
    • Russo-Japanese War, 1904–1905
    • World War One, 1914–1917
    • Russian Revolution, 1917–1921

Possible Conversions

  • Russian Infantry wearing French M.1916 Adrian Helmets

Russian Infantry of World War One are an excellent addition to the growing range of 1:72 scale miniatures, because they span four different conflicts.


HaT Miniatures

Miniatures of World War One