
Hetzen (Ger., “coursing”), having hunted game pursued, held and torn down by hounds that are faster, hence the expression “Hetze“, “Hetzjagd” (French: chasse à courre, chasse aux chiens courants or vénerie, English: hunting at force); depending on the species of game, a distinction is made between “Hasenhetze” (hare coursing), “Dachshetze” (badger coursing), “Fuchshetze” (fox coursing) and “Wolfshetze” (cf. “Hatz”). Hetzen also means having dogs chase, pull down and even tear apart captured wild animals, such as bears, wolves and foxes, in a specially set up area (“Hetzbahn” coursing track, “Hetzgarten” coursing garden). See also “Hetzhunde” (hounds), “Hetzer” (tank hunter), and par force hunting.

Source: Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon, 6. Auflage 1905–1909

Military Glossary