Russian Knights, 12th–13th Century
Italeri/ZVEZDA 1:72 Scale Figure Review

The diorama shows Russian knights and infantry in combat with Mongols. Both figure sets were sculpted by designers of the Russian firm ZVEZDA, but the knights are distributed under the Italeri Historics label. The Russian knights offer 19 poses, they are among the most versatile 1:72 scale figure sets on the market. Only Airfix offered a figure set with more poses, namely the French Infantry of World War One. Variety and compatibility of poses is particularly important for massed formations in wargames and dioramas involving non-uniformed troop types. ZVEZDA’s Russian knights are exemplary in this respect.
42 Miniatures in 17 Poses – 24 mm equal 173 cm Height
- Mounted knight with lance, scaled armour and helmet with nose guard
- Mounted knight with mace, helmet with nose guard, scaled armour and cloak
- Knight/standard-bearer with drawn sword, scaled armour and cloak
- Knight/bugler with drawn sword, scaled armour and cloak
- Knight/bugler with flail, scaled armour and helmet
- Knight with sword, scaled armour and cloak
- Knight with two-handed battle-axe, mail shirt and helmet with nose guard
- Knight with sword and raised shield, scaled armour and helmet (2)
- Knight with sword and shield, scaled armour and helmet with nose guard (2)
- Knight with battle-axe and shield, mail shirt and helmet with nose guard (2)
- Knight with mace and raised shield, scaled armour and helmet (2)
- Knight with sabre, scaled armour, and helmet with face mask (5)
- Archer with scaled armour and cloth cap (2)
- Archer with padded jacket and fur cap (5)
- Spearman with padded jacket and helmet (5)
- Spearman kneeling, with scaled armour and helmet (5)
- Spearman with shield, padded jacket and helmet with nose guard (5)
2 Horses in two Poses – 20 mm equal 14.1 Hands
- Horse halting after impact
- Horse rising in combat with infantry
Weapons and Equipment
- 11 lances/spears – 45 mm equal 3.24 m Length
- 5 spears – 32 mm equal 2.30 m Length
- 15 round shields – 10 mm equal 70 cm Diameter
- 13 kite shields, round at the top – 16.7 mm equal 120 cm Height
- 12 kite shields, straight at the top – 12.5 mm equal 90 cm Height
Excellent choice of subject, the Russian knights are unique in this scale. Wargamers have a choice of two possible enemy armies in 1:72 scale: Teutonic Knights or Golden Horde Mongols.
Good detail. Facial features, scaled armour, mail shirts, helmets, belts, straps, pouches, buttons, weapons, shields, and horse furniture are nicely sculpted.
Excellent poses, these figures appear realistic and they are very compatible with each other. Even the horse poses are sculpted correctly.
The horses are only 14.1 hands tall, but their compact bodies and relatively long legs make them appear taller than they are.
The ratio of foot troops to mounted knights is incorrect. Anyone wishing to raise DBA Army № 157 will need 12 to 13 additional mounted figures. The best remedy would be a separate set of mounted Russian knight.
Historical Employment
- DBA Armee № 129 – Early Russian, 1054–1246
- DBA Army № 157 – Post-Mongol Russian
Possible Conversions
- The variety of poses may be increased by swapping heads among the figures.
- Allevi, Piersergio: Zinnsoldaten, p. 75
Italeri/Faller anounced during the Nuremberg Toy Fair 2000 that the ZVEZDA figure sets will be distributed under the ZVEZDA brand name henceforth, rather than incorporate them into the Italeri Historics line. Provided that the ZVEZDA range will be available at stores selling Italeri Historics, the lines need not merge to succeed in the market. Given the quality of this set and the unusual selection of figure poses, ZVEZDA can be an important player in the 1:72 scale miniatures hobby.