Tromblon Viven-Bessières (VB) Rifle Grenade Cup Discharger

Tromblon Viven-Bessières (VB) Rifle Grenade Cup Discharger.

Introduced in 1916, the Tromblon Viven-Bessières (VB) consisted of a 50 mm rifle grenade cup discharger which could be fitted to the muzzle of the French Lebel Model 1886 infantry rifle. The VB rifle grenade was inserted into the cup discharger, the rifle butt rested on the ground, and the rifle grenade was then discharged using a standard Lebel cartridge. The rifle grenade had a central hole which allowed the rifle projectile to pass through. The gas pressure of the propellant charge was sufficient to propell the rifle grenade 80 to 190 m, depending on the angle at which the Grenadier Lance Grenade VB had held his rifle.

Miniatures with Tromblon VB

  • WWI French Infantry, 1:72 Pegasus 7199
  • WW1 US Infantry, 1:72 Emhar 7209
  • WW1 US Infantry, 1:76 Airfix 01729

Technical Data

  • Designation: Tromblon Viven-Bessières (VB)
  • Type: Rifle Grenade Cup Discharger
  • Developers: Jean Viven und Gustave Bessières
  • Weight: 1.5 kg
  • Calibre: 50 mm
  • Sight: appareil de pointage et de repérage Modèle 1917
  • Range: 80 to 190 m
  • Production: 1916

Historical Employment

  • First World War, 1915–1918
  • Rif War, 1921–1926
  • Second World War, 1939–1945
  • First Indochina War, 1946–1954
  • Algerian War, 1954–1962
  • Vietnam War, 1955–1975

The US Army received 50,000 French-made Tromblon VB rifle grenade cup dischargers, which were apparently still used by US Marines in the battles for Guadalcanal and Guam.

With the introduction of the FM Chauchat light machine gun and Tromblon VB rifle grenade cup discharger, the French Infantry Company adopted a new organization in July 1916.

Miniatures of World War One