2 Inch Boards for Old West Boardwalks in Dioramas and Wargames

Fresh lumber for Old West buildings in 1:32 scale, laid out to age in the sun. These scale models of 2 inch boards are sliced off 12 or 16 foot sections of beechwood, using an old knife and a wooden mallet. The freshly cut, sandcoloured boards may represent recently delivered lumber in dioramas. Authentic buildings and boardwalks of the Old West should be built from realistically weathered boards which have taken on a pleasing light grey colour due to prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Scale lumber is produced by splitting knotfree sections of beechwood with an old penknife. The round timber pictured at left provides the beechwood sections for splitting, and it serves as a handy mallet.

In 1:32 scale, 2 inch boards are represented by 1.6 mm strips carefully sliced off the quartered beechwood sections. 5 or 6 foot long boards may be used to create typical Old West boardwalks in front of buildings.