German 75 mm Brass Shells for PaK 40 Anti-Tank Guns

Schatton Modellbau 1:72 Scale Artillery Review

German 75 mm Brass Shells for PaK 40 Anti-Tank Guns compared to Airfix and Raventhorpe.

The picture shows a comparison of 75 mm shells for the German PaK 40 anti-tank gun available from Raventhorpe, Schatton, and Airfix. The turned brass rounds in the center are much more detailed than the cast variants in the hands of the metal and plastic gunners. It’s apparent in the picture that the PaK 40 fired bottle-necked rounds with a 75 mm shell and a super-calibre cartridge behind it. To accept the larger round, the PaK 40 had a super-calibre breech. The operating principle is to squeeze-bore the explosive force behind the shell, causing a more rapid acceleration of the shot along the barrel. 75 mm turned brass rounds manufactured by Schatton Modellbau may be used to upgrade models of the PaK 40 and to equip PaK 40 gunners with more realistic ammunition.



Excellent choice of subject, accurate anti-tank rounds of the German 7.5 cm PaK 40 anti-tank gun will be popular in this scale. The ammuntion may be used for various Panzerjäger self-propelled PaK 40 anti-tank guns.

Scale model with excellent detail. The bottle-necked cartridge casing of the PaK 40 has been modelled correctly.

Good value for money, seven live rounds and seven spent cartridges should be enough to visually upgrade several wargame stands of the PaK 40.

Turned brass ammunition may be used to convert many suitable infantry figure poses into attractive anti-tank gunners.

Compatible with ESCI, Matchbox, Revell, BP Cast, and Roden.

Painting instructions are not included. Interested modellers will have to research the proper colour-coding of Panzergranate 39 (A.P.) and Panzergranate 40 (A.P.C.R.) anti-tank rounds on the internet.

High-quality brass ammuntion is a must-have for collectors and modellers interested in the popular 7.5 cm Pak 40 anti-tank gun. Wargamers may want to use these nicely detailed anti-tank rounds to convert infantry figures into anti-tank gunners which are always in short supply.

Sample from Schatton Modellbau

German 75 mm PaK 40 Anti-Tank Gun