Rack-Wagons of the 18th Century
Modelling Tips for Wargamers and Diorama Builders

Wooden rack-wagons were used throughout Europe for hundreds of years to bring in the harvest and to transport products to the market. The design of the rack-wagon was relatively standardized. The undercarriage consisted of a forward train with plug-in shaft, connected to the rear axle by a round wood – known as Langwied in German. The Langwied was secured to the forward train by a swivel-pin. The sides of the vehicle body were simple ladders, sometimes closed with fascines to prevent farm produce from falling off. Farm wagons of this type were used well into the 1960s, either drawn by horses, oxen, or tractors.
Available Scale Model Kits
- Rack-Wagon conversion using balsa and pewter parts, 1:43 Prince August
- Rack-Wagon and Hanomag R 16 B All-Purpose Tractor, 1:87 Wiking 893 01 31
Historical Employment
- Farm Wagon
- Supply Wagon
Possible Conversions
- Farm Wagon with closed sides
- Supply and Baggage Wagon
- Water Wagon with wooden barrels
- Ammunition Wagon with sloped roof
Wooden rack-wagons of this type were used by farmers throughout Europe for centuries. In times of war, many of these vehicles were commandeered or requisitioned as military transports when the situation demanded it.