Wuerttemberg Leib-Infantry Regiment Duke Carl Eugen von Württemberg, 1756–1763

When Carl Eugen Duke of Wuerttemberg came into power in 1744, the Leib-Regiment was the only infantry regiment in the Duchy of Wuerttemberg. The Leib-Regiment became the cadre from which the other infantry regiments of the duchy were created.
Regimental staff consisted of 17 men: the commander, colonel, lieutenant-colonel, two majors, regimental quartermaster, auditor, adjudant, regimental surgeon, drum sergeant, battalion fifer, six hautboists, and one provost. The companies of the Leib-Regiment had a strength of 100 men each. There were six officers, nine sergeants, five drummers and fifers, and 80 men in the grenadier company, or three officers, nine sergeants, six privates, three drummers, and 79 men in each musketeer company.
- Herzog Karl Eugen von Württemberg
Commanding Officer
- Herzog Karl Eugen von Württemberg, 1756–1758
- Generalleutnant von Werneck, 1758–1763
- Oberst Christoph Friedrich von Gabelenz, 1763
- Regimentsstab (regimental staff)
- 1. Grenadier-Kompanie
- 2. Grenadier-Kompanie
- 1. Kompanie (Leibkompanie)
- 2. Kompanie
- 3. Kompanie
- 4. Kompanie
- 5. Kompanie
- 6. Kompanie
- 7. Kompanie
- 8. Kompanie
- 9. Kompanie
- 10. Kompanie
- two 3-pfünder Bataillonsgeschütze (battalion guns)
- Knötel-Sieg: Handbuch der Uniformkunde, pp. 77-79
- Mollo, John: Uniforms of the Seven Years’ War, 1756-63, Plate 61
- Bilderlexikon der Uniformen von 1700 bis zur Gegenwart, Südwest Verlag
- Deutsche Uniformen im Zeitalter Friedrichs des Großen, Sturm Zigaretten, Dresden
- dark blue coat of Prussian cut, with white buttons
- carmine collar
- carmine lapels with 3 × 2 buttons and white lace,
2 buttons with lace below right lapel and two laced buttonholes below left lapel - carmine cuffs with 2 buttons and white lace
- red turnbacks
- dark blue shoulderstrap on left
- black stock
- yellow Kamisol with white buttons
- white breeches
- black gaiters with white buttons
- black tricorne hat with white border and black/yellow pompom
- Prussian style grenadier mitre cap with brass plate, red bag, white lace, and black/yellow pompom
Campaign History
- Silesian Campaign, 1757
- Siege of Schweidnitz, 1757
- Battle of Breslau, 1757
- Battle of Leuthen, 1757
- Hessian Campaigns, 1758–1759
- Engagement at Lutterberg, 1758
- Engagement at Lauterbach, 1758
- Silesian Campaign, 1760
- Siege of Wittenberg, 1760
- 3. Württembergisches Infanterie-Regiment Alt-Württemberg Nr. 121, 1902
- 13. (1. Württembergisches) Infanterie-Regiment, 6. und 8. Kompanie, 1921
- 8. Württembergisches Infanterie-Regiment Großherzog Friedrich II. von Baden Nr. 126, 1902
- 13. (1. Württembergisches) Infanterie-Regiment, 15. Kompanie, 1921
A Knötel illustration shows the regimental flag of Füsilier-Regiment von Württemberg which may serve as a guide to the infantry colours of the other Wuerttemberg regiments.