Federal Standard Color Table

Model Color Conversion Table

US Federal Standard Colors.

It is important to remember, that the table lists the closest model color matches for a particular standard color applied to an actual vehicle, not a model of the same. In order to paint a 1:72 scale model of a particular vehicle, the scale color effect needs to be taken into account. As a rule, matching model colors should be tinted with 10–30 % white in order to arrive at the scaled down vehicle base color. Approximately 40-50 % white is recommended for drybrushing the highlights. For a detailed painting guide, please refer to Weathering Vehicles, by Jim Gordon.

Federal Standard Color Conversion Table

F.S. Color Humbrol Revell Testors1 Vallejo2 Gunze Pactra Polly Scale
11136 Red H327
12197 International Orange 2022
13538 Yellow H329
13655 Blue Angels Yellow 2023
14187 Willow Green 2028
15042 Dark Sea Blue 1717
15044 Blue H326
15050 Blue Angels Blue E 4931 H328
15102 True Blue 2030 505216
16081 Engine Gray H339
16440 Gloss Gull Gray 1729 H315
16515 Canadian Voodoo Grey 2039
17038 Gloss Black 21 3610.7 E 9971 70.861 H2 A1
17178 Chrome Silver 191 1790 70.997 H8
17875 Insignia White 22 1745 70.842 H316 A2
20400 Tan 2021
24091 Dark Drab (B-52) 2026
26270 US Medium Gray 126 70.870 H306
26320 US Compass Gray 128 70.905 H307?
26440 Gull Gray 129 70.986 H325
27038 Coal Black 85
27875 Satin White 130
28913 Flourescent Red-Orange 2041
28915 Fluorescent Red 36.332 E 2301 H23
30045 Dark Earth A22
30117 Military Brown 186 E 6473 70.983 A23 505366
30118 Field Drab E 6603 70.873 A24 505252
30219 Dark Tan 118 E 6413 70.874 H310 A25 505284
30277 Dark Stone 187 E 7283 70.988 505348
31136 Insignia Red 153 70.957 A26
33531 Sand 121 E 6213 70.819 H313
33538 Insignia Yellow 154 E 0539 70.953 A27 505282
33613 Radome Light Tan 148 E 6173 70.917 A28
34031 US Army Helo Drab 2024
34052 Marine Corps Green HP5, 161, 75 2025 70.897 505296
34079 Dark Green 116 E 7953 70.893 H309 A29 505388
34087 Olive Drab 155 E 7873 70.887 H304 A30 505224
34088 Khaki Drab (S.C.C. № 15 Olive Drab) 159 70.924 505360
34092 European Dark Green 149 E 7913 70.895, 71.014 H302 A31 505246
34096 Dark Green (B-52) 163 2027 70.892 505266
34097 Field Green 105 E 7633 H340 A32
Badger MODELflex 16-96 Olive Drab FSC 34097 is actually 34097 Field Green.
34102 US Light Green 117 E 7733 H303 A33 505390
34127 Forest Green 150 A34 505238
34151 Interior Green A35 500802, 505308
Citadel Colour 47332 Catachan Green is a good match for Interior Green, but it has been taken off the market.
34258 FS Green 2029 505310
34259 FS Yellow Green Yellow Green
Yellow Green FS 34259, AMMO.F 504
35042 Flat Sea Blue 77 1718 70.898
35044 Insignia Blue 1719 A49
35109 FS Blue 2031
35164 Intermediate Blue 144 70.903 A36 505236
35182 FS Bright Blue 2032
35237 Grayish Blue H337 A37 505256
35414 FS Blue 2033
35622 Blue H314 505396
36076 Engine Gray
Navy Gray #2
2034 505338
36081 Gray 112 E 8863 70.866 H301 505204
36118 Gunship Gray E 8743 70.868 H305 505264
36173 AMC Gray 27 2035 70.992 505332
36176 FS Dark Gray (F-15) 2036 505232
36231 Dark Gull Gray 140 E 8653 70.991 H317 A38 505378
36270 Neutral Grey 126 E 8553 70.870, 71051 H306 A39 505384
36307 Light Gray E 8493 70.884 A40 505290
36314 Flint Gray 2037
36320 Dark Ghost Gray E 8423 H307? A41 505374
36375 Light Ghost Gray E 8333 70.990 H308 A42 505376
36440 Flat Gull Gray E 8393 A43 505380
36492 FS Light Gray 2038
36495 Light Gray H338 A44 505280
36622 Camouflage Gray 28 883 (152) H311 A45 505394
37031 Aircraft Int. Black 2040 70.862
37038 Flat Black 33 3610.8 E 9983 70.950 H12 A46 505214
37875 Flat White 34 3610.5 E 0053 70.951 H11 A47

Please refer to the US vehicle catalog for more information about camouflage patterns, and markings.


  1. Testors Model-Master "E ...." numbers indicate acrylic paint, other numbers are Model-Master enamels.
  2. Vallejo Acrylic Model Colours are listed with two number, e.g. "70.976". The colour’s order number (Ref) is followed by its position number (Pos) in brackets. The position number indicates the relative position of the colour on the Valley Model Colour chart.

US Army Miniatures of World War Two