With Macduff to the Frontier
Rules for The French and Indian Wars

These rules may look a little old fashioned, but they represent the culmination of 25 years of wargaming ranging from Don Featherstone and Lawford and Young through WRG and on to Fire and Fury and Armati with many other stops along the way, including 10 years of playing only with homegrown rules. My aim has been to create a game which has a historical flavor, is easy and enjoyable to play after a hard week’s work, rewards historical tactics and gives a believable outcome to actions.
To further this group of divergent aims, ground and figure scales have been kept flexible and some things are done for the look or ease of play rather than as my best scientific simulation. For example, after many bad and some good experiences with separate charge morale tests, I decided to combine the effects of fire, and morale (including the threat of the bayonet) into an old fashioned melee even though troops rarely crossed bayonets or tomahawks in the open. Basically, both sides will suffer disorganization and casualties and one side will run away. Whether the bulk of the losing side actually ran before the charge struck home, or not, is not really important on the long run. It is just a mechanism that is fun, lends colour and gives an appropriate result in the end.
The rules are aimed at the French and Indian Wars, but could easily be expanded to later North American conflicts. -- Ross Macfarlane
- Title: With Macduff to the Frontier – Rules for The French and Indian Wars
- Period: French and Indian Wars, 1754–1763
- Type: Tactical Miniature Wargame
- Time Scale: 1 turn = 10 minutes
- Ground Scale: 1:180 (1 inch = 5 yards) or 1:360 (1 inch = 10 yards)
- Troop Scale: 1 figure = 5 to 15 men
- Basing: none given
- Firing Ranges
- Heavy Gun: 48″ = 480 yards / 439 m
- Field Gun: 36″ = 360 yards / 329 m
- Howitzer: 36″ = 360 yards / 329 m
- Mortar: 27″ = 270 yards / 247 m
- Battalion Gun: 24″ = 240 yards / 219 m
- Coehorn Mortar: 18″ = 180 yards / 165 m
- Swivel Gun: 18″ = 180 yards / 165 m
- Musket: 12″ = 120 yards / 109 m
- Rifle: 24″ = 240 yards / 219 m
- Bow: 6″ = 60 yards / 55 m
- Author: Ross Macfarlane
- Format: 7 pages in The Courier № 72
- Language: English
- Publisher: The Courier Publishing Company, Inc., W. Bridgewater, Massachusetts
- Published: 1997
- Organization
- Sequence of Play
- Command Control
- Formations
- Movement
- Charges
- Terrain
- Small Arms
- Artillery Fire
- Casualties
- Charge Resolution
- Morale
- Engineering
- French and Indian War Scenario Ideas
- Relief Column
- Raid