Military Miniatures Gallery
- Tanks
- Aircraft
- Miniatures
- Historic Sites
- Painting Miniature Horses and Farm Animals
- Washington’s Army, 1775–1783
- French Napoleonic Line Infantry in Greatcoats, 1809–1815
- Wuerttemberg Napoleonic Chasseurs and Light Infantry, 1811–1815
- US Paratroopers, 1942–1945
- British Army «Mickey Mouse» Vehicle Camouflage Pattern, Europe 1944
- Arnhem, 1944
Artist of the Month
- Benno de Groot, Almelo, Netherlands
- Tim Reese, Burkittsville, Maryland
- Peter Styk, Bratislava, Slovakia
Readers of Military Miniatures Magazine are welcome to nominate talented miniature artists who deserve their own Military Miniatures Gallery section within our magazine.