The Army of Charles II Eugene, Duke of Württemberg, 1756–1763

Leib-Infanterie-Regiment Herzog Karl Eugen von Württemberg, 1756–1763.

Duke Carl Eugen of Wuerttemberg was offered a subsidy to provide 6,000 men for service alongside the French army in times of war. When war came in 1757 only 3000 men were ready, and the ranks had to be filled quickly with unreliable recruits of Protestant faith.

Ten infantry and three converged grenadier battalions eventually joined the Austrian army, and fought at the Battle of Leuthen alongside the Bavarian contingent, where they bore the brunt of the Prussian attack. In 1759, the promised 15 battalions transferred to Broglie’s French army operating in the Rhineland. Under a similar financial agreement, 17 battalions served with the Austrian army again in 1760.

Württemberg infantry regiments could easily be confused with enemy troops, because of their Prussian-style uniforms and grenadier mitre caps. Carl Eugen’s fancy for things Prussian apparently had to do with his upbringing at the court of King Frederick II. of Prussia. In 1744, Carl Eugen was introduced to Princess Elisabeth Friederike Sophie von Brandenburg-Bayreuth, daughter of Margrave Friedrich von Brandenburg-Bayreuth, and niece of King Frederick the Great of Prussia, whom he fell in love with, and married in 1748.

Wuerttemberg Infantry Regiments

Regiment Coat Facings Buttons Waistcoat
Herzog Karl Eugen von Württemberg
dark blue carmine white yellow
Infanterie-Regiment Prinz Louis von Württemberg dark blue carmine white white
Infanterie-Regiment von Spitznatz, 1752
Infanterie-Regiment von Romann, 1758
Prinz Friedrich Wilhelm von Württemberg, 1761
Infanterie-Regiment von Gabelenz, 1762
dark blue red white white
Infanterie-Regiment von Roeder
Infanterie-Regiment von Werneck, 1758
dark blue rose white white
Infanterie-Regiment von Stain, 1756
IR Prinz Friedrich Wilhelm von Württemberg, 1759
Infanterie-Regiment von Romann, 1761
dark blue white yellow white
Füsilier-Regiment von Truchsess
IR Prinz Friedrich Wilhelm von Württemberg, 1762
dark blue black yellow white

Wuerttemberg Grenadier Battalions

Battalion Parent Units
I. Grenadier-Bataillon (Pleß) Leib-Regiment & Prinz Louis
II. Grenadier-Bataillon (Georgi) Spitznatz & Roeder
III. Grenadier-Bataillon (Klettenburg) Stain & Truchsess

Wuerttemberg Cavalry Regiments

Regiment Coat Facings Buttons Waistcoat
Leibgarde zu Pferd yellow black white white
Reitende Grenadiere von Pfull red black yellow white
Kürassier-Regiment von Pfull, 1758–1761
Dragoner-Regiment von Pfull, 1761–1766
yellow red yellow red
Kreis-Dragoner-Regiment Württemberg dark blue black yellow yellow
Leibhusaren-Schwadron, 1735
Leibhusaren-Regiment von Gorcy, 1758
Leibhusaren-Regiment von Bouwinghausen, 1763
green black yellow green

Jägers, Garrison Troops, and Artillery

Troops Coat Facings Buttons Waistcoat
Feldjäger-Corps green red yellow green
Garnisons-Kompanie dark blue red yellow white
Artillerie light blue black yellow white

Order of Battle at Leuthen, 05. December 1757

The Wuerttemberg units served in the Austrian Corps Nadasdy. The two brigades were deployed on the extreme left flank of the line, with their right flank supported by the Bavarian contingent.

  • G.F.M.Lt. von Spitznatz
    • G.M. von Romann
      • Infanterie-Regiment von Spitznatz
      • I. Grenadier-Bataillon (Pleß)
      • II. Grenadier-Bataillon (Georgi)
      • III. Grenadier-Bataillon (Klettenburg)
    • G.M. von Roeder
      • Füsilier-Regiment von Truchsess
      • Infanterie-Regiment von Roeder
      • Infanterie-Regiment Prinz Louis von Württemberg
      • Leib-Regiment Herzog Karl Eugen von Württemberg
    • Württemberg Artillerie

The Wuerttembergers and Bavarians bore the brunt of the Prussian oblique attack at Leuthen. Infanterie-Regiment Prinz Louis was captured, but the Wuerttemberg grenadiers withdrew in good order and set up a new line of defence inside the cemetery of Leuthen church.


  • Harder, Hans-Joachim: Militärgeschichtliches Handbuch Baden-Württemberg. Hrsg. vom Militärgeschichtlichen Forschungsamt. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 1987

  • Militär-Handbuch des Königreichs Württemberg. Große Ausgabe. Kriegsministerium, Stuttgart 1913
  • 900 Jahre Haus Württemberg: Leben und Leistung für Land und Volk, hrsg. von Robert Uhland

Seven Years’ War Miniatures